Common Discomforts &
Acceptable Drugs In Pregnancy
Below is a list of common discomforts during pregnancy. We hope you will find the solutions to these discomforts helpful. The medications that are included for some problems are over-the-counter and do not require a prescription. they may be used in pregnancy if necessary and are acceptable when used to a minimum. To our knowledge, they will not harm your baby.
Avoid spicy or greasy foods
Antacids low in sodium
Tums – as on package
Mylanta, Maalox, or Riopan – 1-2 teaspoons 30 minutes after meals and at bedtime
Rest – increase fluid intake
Use a humidifier/vaporizer
Warm cloth to sinuses
Actifed – Sudafed – 30 mg. by mouth 3 times a day
For allergies use Benadryl according to package
Increase fluid intake
Tylenol – 2 tablets every 4 hours
Call if persists greater than 24 hours
Rest in quiet, dark environment
Tylenol – 2 tablets every 4 hours, as needed, or Extra-Strength Tylenol
Gargle with hot salt water 4 times a day
Rest – increase fluids
Chloraseptic spray or lozenges
Small, frequent carbohydrate feedings
Increase fluids and protein
Avoid caffeine and colas
Dramamine – 50 mg. 1 tablet every 6 hours, or
PeptoBismol – as on package, or
Emetrol Syrup – 1 tablespoon as needed
Elevate feet – rest
Pelvic tilt exercises
Heating pad
May use Tylenol or Extra-Strength Tylenol, if severe
More common in pregnancy
Cold cloth to nose with pressure
Vaseline to mucous membranes in edge of nose to decrease irritation
Use a humidifier in your bedroom
Elevate feet or hands
Increase water intake to 8-10 glasses per day
Avoid increased salt intake
Rest as much as possible on left side
Try to increase fluid intake even if no solid food is eaten
Donnagel, PeptoBismol, Imodium AD or Kaopectate, as on package
Warm, relaxing bath
Use multiple pillows to find positions of comfort
Benadryl, according to package
Expect to have to get up frequently to empty your bladder
Over-the-counter Monistat as the package directs is recommended
8-10 glasses of water per day
Regular exercise i.e., walking, etc.
Increase bran and fiber in food
May add if needed and use according to package:
Colace 50 mg
Dialose – Plus
Hot sitz baths – 3-4 times a day
Avoid constipation
Anusol cream or suppositories 3 times a day, or
Tucks pads, or
Preparation H, as on package
Robitussin (Plain or DH) 1 teaspoon every 4 hours
OK if performed in well ventilated area
If fumes are nauseating, leave the house, room, etc.
May travel up to 35-36 weeks if no complications
You may need a note for airline so check when making reservations
When traveling by car, stop every 60-90 minutes to walk around and empty bladder
OK to pass through metal detector at airport
For the most part, medicines that are OK in pregnancy are OK in breast-feeding
Chickenpox & measles exposure—if you had chickenpox, you and your baby are protected
If you are not sure that you had them or know that you did not have them, call our office for further information
Hair coloring & permanents acceptable but may not take as well as in nonpregnancy
We would recommend waiting until after the first trimester of your pregnancy
Do not add any new exercise program
Keep heart rate less than 140 beats per minute and at a maximum for only 20 minutes
Modify aerobics from high to low impact
Light weights workout is OK if currently doing them
Maintain good dental hygiene
Regular checkups
Dental X-rays are OK with an abdominal shielding
Antibiotics acceptable for prescription by your dentist for prophylaxis or infection:
Penicillin or Erythromycin; No Tetracycline
Fillings and other dental work are OK; Novocaine WITHOUT Epinephrine may be used for anesthetic during dental procedures