Age Management Medicine
Our body's hormones are in their prime during our early 20s, however, as we age, our hormone levels gradually decrease at a rate of 2% per year after we turn 30. This decrease is a natural occurrence, but it doesn't necessarily mean it's the best for our body. Therefore, it is crucial to promote hormonal balance as we grow older.
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Hormone optimization using Bio-identical Hormones (BHRT) is the answer to relieve these symptoms and restore vitality!
Hormone optimization goals are restored to your natural hormones to levels of those of a 20 year old female. This is the age when your hormones were at their optimal levels.
Conventional hormone goals are to use hormones to alleviate symptoms only.
Goal: Restore Hormones to Youthful Levels
Helps to prevent hot flashes and night sweats. Maintains healthy vaginal tissue, which prevents pain with intercourse, vaginal dryness, and urinary symptoms.
Maintains sex drive, muscle mass, and bone density. Also, promotes a sense of well being.
Progesterone – Prevents cognitive impairment, anxiety, depression and reduces sleep problems.
Pellets have been used since the 1930”s. Studies indicate that pellet implants are superior in achieving optimal hormone levels to alleviate symptoms and restore vitality.
Conventional hormones are “one size fits all.”
Even women who have failed other types of hormone therapy have a high success rate with pellets.
Progesterone is prescribed in an alternative delivery system (oral or troches) because it dissolves too quickly to include in a pellet.
Implants are placed under the skin. They release small, consistent physiologic does of hormones providing for optimal therapy.
They avoid fluctuations in hormone levels as seen with other delivery systems.
Consistent release of hormones (avoiding fluctuations) is important for optimal health and symptoms relief.
Following pellet implants most women “feel better” within 48-72 hours. It may take a few weeks before full benefits are felt.
Studies indicate that pellet implants of BHRT does not carry the same risk of breast cancer.
Studies suggest that balanced bio-identical hormones are breast protective.
Clinical studies show that bio-identical testosterone balances estrogen and is breast protective.
When compared to the cost to treat the individual symptoms of declining hormones, pellet implants are cost effective.
Studies indicate pellet therapy provides superior relief of vasomotor symptoms, restoration of sleep patterns, improvement of libido and sexual response.